Questions I get asked the most…

Are you from Hawaii?

Yes. I was born and raised on the Big Island of Hawaii and moved away when I was about 27 years old.

Why did you leave the islands?

I had gone through a divorce and wanted a fresh new start. I also wanted to give more opportunities to my 2 small children at the time.

How did you meet your husband?

Through my cousin who was in the Air Force.

Tell us about him…

He is a quiet, private man who is a fully retired Major from the Air Force. He is our protector and the love of my life! A great Dad, Father, Son, Brother, & Friend.

How many kids do you have?

We have 6 kids all together. It’s a “yours, mine, & ours” situation. He has 3 daughters (from a previous marriage), I have 1 daughter and 1 son (from my previous marriage), then we had 1 more son together. All of them are adults, except our youngest, he is just entering his teen years! (yay us!)